Progression Guide

This guide will cover useful content between Lv. 1 - 250. For more info on all the content between Lv. 1 - 250 in MapleStory, check out:

Quick Jumps:


Some brief advice before starting, there is no need to worry about dailies and bosses until you've reached Lv. 200 and have obtained your 5th Job Advancement. Even past Lv. 200, focus on training, filling up your equipment slots, and completing pre-quests. Some bosses you could try and fight pre-200 are Normal Zakum, Normal Hilla, Easy Magnus, Root Abyss, Easy/Normal Horntail, Normal Ranmaru, and Ursus

All classes are going to be weak early on, especially if this is your first character. As you reach Lv. 200, enemies will hit harder and be more difficult to defeat. Past Lv. 200, it eventually gets easier but you'll need to fill up your equipment slots and start upgrading your equipment

Lastly, do not rely on DPM charts or look for the 'best' class as to reach that point where you are as strong as DPM charts suggest is a massive time sink. As well, DPM charts do not translate to the actual DPM in-game as they are created under very specific conditions. Choose a class that you enjoy or seems enticing and go from there

Good luck on your Maple journey!!

Job Advancements:

Job Advancement

Most classes have Job Advancements at Lv. 10, 30, 60, 100, and 200 where new skills are gained. These are known as your 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Job Advancements

To start your Job Advancement, open your Maple Guide, "U" by default, and click on the button that labelled as "Job Advancement Quest"

[Note]: Dual Blades have two additional Job Advancements at Lv. 20 and Lv. 45. They are an add-on to your 1st Job and 2nd Job Advancements

[Note]: Beast Tamers do not have Job Advancements and instead unlock new skills by levelling up and allocating enough SP into an animal tree. A common build path is Bear/Hawk/Cat. For mobbing or Legion, you can use Bear/Leopard/Cat instead

[Note]: Zero does not have Job Advancements and instead unlock new skills by levelling up

SP and AP Distribution:


All newly created characters (except Beast Tamer) can max all of their 1st - 4th Job skills

A tip for allocating SP is to first put 1 point in everything and then start maxing skills by prioritizing skills that require the least SP to reach Master Level, then passives with useful stats like %Final Damage, %Damage, %Max HP, or %Damage Reduction, then buffs, and lastly attacks

For AP, you gain 5 AP every level up and most classes gain 5 AP each Job Advancement from 1st to 4th. It is highly recommended to use Auto Assign for all your AP

[Note]: For Xenon, distribute your AP evenly between all 3 stats using Auto Assign. The game will let you know when you've reached the requirement for the Multilateral skills. Past Lv. 200, you continue to evenly distribute your AP

[Note]: For Explorer Pirates, you will have the choice between Auto Assigning to STR or DEX. Choose STR only if you are creating a Buccaneer and DEX only if you are creating a Corsair

[Note]: For Beast Tamer, you will continue to gain SP up until Lv. 250

Inner Ability:

Inner Ability

Inner Ability can be found in the Character Info UI and is automatically unlocked at Lv. 50

Inner Abilities are stat bonuses that work similar to Item Potentials but for your character. They can be reset using Item Medal of Honor Boss Medal of Honor Item Honor EXP

Like Potentials, there are different tiers, Rare, Epic, Unique, and Legendary. You can tier up by using Honor EXP to reset your Inner Ability and resetting will not lower your tier

Link Skills:

Link Manager

Link Skills are unique to each class and can be shared to another character on the same World. Link Skills are mainly passives, however, there are a few buffs too. Upon reaching Lv. 70, a Link Skill can be shared with another character and both characters will gain the effect of the Link Skill. Some Link Skills may have different effects for the character with the linked version

Link Skills improve at Level 120 (Skill Level 2) and in GMS again at Level 210 (Skill Level 3). Explorer and Cygnus Knight Link Skills can stack to increase the strength of the Link Skill by linking multiple times from different characters of the same class group

[Note]: If your Link Skill in the Link Manager is missing, you may have to accept a quest in the Lightbulb tab on the left-hand side of the screen. If you still do not see it, try relogging

Pocket Slot:

Pocket Slot is an additional equipment slot for equipping Pocket Items. The Pocket Slot can be unlocked at Lv. 30 Charm Trait in your Traits Stat located in the Professions UI, "B" by default

Traits are minor stats that provide small bonuses to your character once they reach certain levels. To learn more about Traits, check out:

To increase your Charm, use Use Cologne Use Premium Cologne Cologne, Use Trait Boost Potion Trait Boost Potions found in Event Shops, increasing your Fame level, wearing special equipment or Cash Items, or changing your hair

Upon reaching Lv. 30 Charm, a quest in your Star Event Tab on the left-hand side will appear called Excessively Charming that consists of a bit of dialogue

Gold Emblem + 4th Job

Emblem Item

At Lv. 100, a Gold Emblem can be received for free by accepting a quest in your Lightbulb tab on the left-hand side of the screen. Emblems are important and easy to obtain equipment that should be accepted right away. Emblems are special like Weapons and Secondary Weapons as they can obtain %Ignore DEF and %Attack lines as potentials which are important stats to have. Emblems cannot obtain %Boss Damage

Upon reaching 4th Job, you should start upgrading your equipment and Star Force them to 10 - 5 stars. It does not matter if the gear will be replaced, this will help you to defeat enemies

Etc Intense Power Crystal Intense Power Crystals:

Intense Power Crystal ShopQuick Move UI

Most bosses (excluding Gollux) drop Etc Intense Power Crystal [Intense Power Crystals] that can be sold for Mesos. The price of the Intense Power Crystal will vary based on how many players are in your party, the difficulty of the boss, and if the boss is daily or weekly

To sell your Intense Power Crystals, access the Collector found by pressing the "Quick Move" button located below the minimap from any town. The Collector will accept 180 Intense Power Crystals a week per world and resets on Thursdays 12am UTC

Hyper Skills + Hyper Stats

Hyper Active UIHyper Passive UI

Hyper Skills and Hyper Stats is unlocked at Lv. 140. Hyper Skills have a passive and active category. Active Skills are unlocked at Lv. 140, 160, and 190. Passive Hyper Skills provide benefits typically to 4th Job skills. 1 SP is gained for your Passive Hyper Skills at Lv. 140, 150, 165, 180 and 190 (total of 5 SP)

Hyper Stats UI

Hyper Stats allow you to allocate points and gain stats for %Crit Rate, %Crit Damage, %Ignore DEF, %Damage, and %Boss Damage. As you level up a Hyper Stat, it will cost more to upgrade. Hyper Stat Points are gained every level up and the amount gained increase every 10 levels

Hyper Stats are for rounding out your character's stats and are dependent on your current needs, thus there is no optimal build. For example, are you optimizing for bossing or mobbing? Do you need more damage? Crit Rate? A useful tool for deciding where to allocate your points can be found here: SuckHard's Maplestory Calculators

For more info on Hyper Stats, check out:

Level 140 and Beyond:

Upon reaching Lv. 140, a friendly reminder to fill up every equipment slot and Spell Trace if you are on Interactive Worlds. Be sure to Star Force as much as you can, with a bare minimum of 5 Stars and recommended 12 Stars. As well, reveal all the potentials on your equipment and try to use cubes to reroll for some %Main Stat or Epic Potential

Check out the Equipment Content section of this guide for more info on available equipment

For more info on enhancing equipment, check out

For extra mesos, equipment, and Use Mystical Cube Mystical Cubes, you may try to defeat bosses from the < 2k Main Stat section of the Bosses

As well, be sure to complete MapIcon MTour Maple Tour every day as the main reward is Mesos

5th Job Advancement & Arcane River:

Mandatory Requirements to accept 5th Job Quest:

  • 100 Star Force minimum total
  • 10 Star Force on Primary Weapon

Requirements to Job Advance: NPC Memory Keeper NPC Temple Keeper

  • After talking to the Memory Keeper and Temple Keeper, you'll receive a quest called "5th Job: Blessing of the Goddess". Once you've talked to all the Goddesses and completed their challenge, you can job advanced to 5th Job
  • Visit Henesys: Bowman Instructional School and press up on the Horizon Portal
    • Talk to the "Goddess of Maple World" to complete the quest
  • Visit Dark World Tree: Deserted Camp and press up on the Horizon Portal
    • After talking to the "Goddess of Tynerum", defeat all enemies and a series of maps after being teleport
  • Visit Pantheon: Grand Temple Interior and press up on the Horizon Portal
    • Talk to the "Goddess of Grandis" twice and defeat a weak version of Magnus after being teleported
  • Each goddess will give you an Use Arcane Stone Arcane Stone which you can charge up by fighting monsters. Once the stone has been charged, you can use it again to gain some EXP
    • You do not need to charge the stones up to Job Advance
Arcane Force UI

After Advancement, obtaining an Arcane Symbol: To deal damage to monsters in the Arcane River - the main region past Level 200, Arcane Power is required similar to Star Force which you gain from equipping Eqp Arcane Symbol Arcane Symbols

  • To obtain your first Arcane Symbol, you must complete the quest "A Greater Power" located in your Lightbulb icon. This quest is intentionally difficult as you have no Arcane Power yet
  • [Note]: The symbol you obtain is not a real Arcane Symbol yet until you complete the Vanishing Journey storyline. In the meantime, you must complete the story with the limited Arcane Power you have
  • [Tip] If you are struggling to defeat the monsters, there is a Hyper Stat for Arcane Power, allocate some points temporarily until you get enough Arcane Power

5th Job V Matrix + Nodestones:

V Matrix

In 5th Job, you do not gain skills normally like your previous Job Advancements. Instead, you have "Nodes" which contains a 5th Job Skill. You can equip these Nodes into your V Matrix to gain access to that skill. To gain Nodes, you need to open Nodestone ItemNodestones that are obtained from monsters in the Arcane River, Vanishing Journey Weekly Quest, Nodecrafting, and Event Shops

Skill UI

To view your V Matrix, open up your Skill UI, "K" by default, and click to the "V" tab and press the "V Matrix" button at the top

You will notice you have empty slots and locked slots. You gain additional slots as your character levels up which will allow you to equip more Nodes and in turn more 5th Job Skills. Additionally, you can pay Mesos to unlock slots early. To equip a Node, double-click or drag them into an empty slot

All classes have their Main 5th Job Skills that are exclusive to that class. There are also 5th Job Skills exclusive to a certain Class Group like Explorers or Cygnus Knights. Lastly, there are Common 5th Job skills that are available to all classes

Enhancing NodeEnhance Single Node

You do not gain SP normally like your previous Job Advancements to level up your skills. Instead, you will need to enhance your Nodes to increase a skill's level. Each Node will have a Rank and EXP associated with it. To enhance a Node, you will need copies of the same Node to gain enough EXP to rank up. Upgrading a Node's Rank will increase the associated skill's level

There are 3 types of Nodes:

Skill Node Skill Nodes: These contain the main 5th Job Skills themselves

  • A Skill Node has a max Rank of 25 or Master Level of is 25 (30 with Matrix Points)
  • Only one copy of a Skill Node can be equipped at once

Boost NodeBoost Nodes: These are passives that increase the %Final Damage of your 1st - 4th Job Skills. They also provide different bonuses based on the Skill Level of the node such as extra %Crit Rate or %Ignore DEF

  • Each Boost Node will enhance 3 different Skills. When you hover over a boost node in your V Matrix, the Main Skill that is used for leveling up a Boost Node will be the skill at the top. You will need multiple Boost Nodes with the same Main Skill to upgrade a Boost Node
  • Boost Nodes with the same Main Skill cannot be equipped together
  • Each Boost Node has a max Rank of 25 but each boosted skill can reach a Master Level of 50 (60 with Matrix Points) by equipping two Boost Nodes that boost the same skill

Special Node Special Nodes: These nodes provide a special effect that trigger once you've fulfilled a specific requirement

  • They cannot be leveled up and have a timed duration and will disappear
  • It is best to disassemble these nodes for Node Shards that are used to craft new Nodes

Matrix Points

Slot Enhancement ButtonMatrix Points

Each time your character levels up, you gain a Matrix Point. Matrix Points are used to raise a Node's Rank but they are tied to the Node Slots themselves instead of the Node. Each slot can allocate up to 5 additional Ranks for a Node. This means each Skill Node or Boost Node can reach a max Rank of 30. You can assign your Matrix Points in the V Matrix by pressing the "Slot Enhancement" button

Node Enhancing

V Upgrade UI

To enhance your Nodes, right-click a Node you want to enhance. Using copies of the same Node you are trying to enhance, you consume the extra Nodes to the gain EXP required to level up a Node. As mentioned previously, to enhance Boost Nodes, you need Nodes with the same Main Skill. All Nodes have a max Rank of 25 meaning each Node provides 25 Skill Levels for a skill

To gain additional Nodes, you will need to open Use Nodestone Nodestones which will give you a random Node for your class. You can obtain Nodestones from monster drops in the Arcane River, from the Weekly Quest in Vanishing Journey, Nodecrafting, and from Events

There are also special Nodestones called Use EXP Nodestone [Experience Nodestone] which when opened provides an EXP Node that can be used on any Node as EXP. These Nodestones are only obtainable from Events

Node Disassembling

Disassemble Node

Nodes can be disassembled to gain Node Shards that are used to craft more Nodestones or a guaranteed Node. To disassemble Nodes, press on the "Disassemble Nodes" button beside the "Slot Enhancement" button

You can select multiple Nodes to disassemble at a time or right click to select to disassemble a single Node


Node Crafting

Specific Nodes can be crafted by pressing the "Nodecrafting" button. To craft Nodes, you will need Node Shards which are obtained from disassembling Nodes

In the Nodecrafting UI, select the Node you want to craft and then press the "Craft" button. Do not press the "Craft Nodestone" button as you will craft a Nodestone instead

[Note]: When crafting Boost Nodes, you can choose the Main Skill for that Node by selecting the desired skill in the Nodecrafting UI

Legion System

Legion BoardLegion Legend

The Legion System is unlocked when you have either a total of 500 levels within your World from your characters or have reached Lv. 200 and completed the 5th Job Advancement. You can assign your characters onto a grid to provide bonus stats to all your characters in your World

The "Total Level" or "Legion Level" is based on your 42 highest level characters. The higher your Legion Level the more characters you can assign to your grid. To increase the amount of characters you can assign, Etc Legion Coin [Legion Coins] are given to Dame Appropriation to upgrade your board. Legion Coins are gained passively based on your characters currently assigned to the grid

Legion Coins are also used to buy special items from Squire Pancho Sanza such as:

  • Use Legion's Expertise [EXP Booster]
  • Use Legion's Luck [Drop Rate Booster]
  • Use Legion's Wealth [Meso Rate Booster]
  • Use Epic Potential Scroll [Epic Potential Scrolls]
  • Use Hard Cube [Hard Cube]
  • Use Bonus Potential Scroll [Bonus Potential Scrolls]
  • Use Powerful Rebirth Flame [Powerful Rebirth Flames]

Reward Points + Maple Rewards Shop:

Use Reward Points Reward Points are a special currency used in the Cash Shop at the Maple Rewards Shop or to apply a 30% discount to certain Cash Shop purchases

Reward Points expire at the end of the next month that the points were obtained. So if you obtained some Reward Points in August, the points would expire on September 30th

The Maple Rewards Shop contains a variety of Cash Shop items available for purchase with Reward Points. You can only buy a set amount of each item per month per account, and items restock every month

Some notable items in the shop are:

Some ways to obtain Use Reward Points Reward Points are:

  • Defeating bosses and completing a quest in the pink giftbox tab on the left-hand side of the screen
    • The giftbox should have stars on it and a "C" with a ribbon
    • The quests are automatically accepted each day, you just need to remember to hand it in or else it will not reset
  • Monster Collection Explorations
  • Playing MapleStory M, the mobile game
  • Fairy Bros Daily Gift Reward

Auction House in Interactive Worlds:

Auction House

Auction House in Interactive Worlds allows you to buy and sell items to other players. You can buy anything from equipment, potions, to cosmetic items like chairs and cash clothing. As well, you can also buy Wonderberry pets here that pick up items for you

Auction House Button

Important Content:

  • [Interactive Worlds] Spell Tracing: Using Etc Spell Trace Spell Traces, you can upgrade your gear to gain more stats
    • [Heroic Worlds]: Can be sold for Mesos
  • Star Forcing: Enhancements that provide bonus stats depending on the amount of Star Force that is on an item
  • [Lv. 35] Professions / Crafting: Crafting may be important if you cannot find any new gear for your level. It is an easy and useful way to obtain equipment for your level
    • Use Powerful Rebirth Flame Use Eternal Rebirth Flame [Special Rebirth Flames] and Use Hard Cube Use Solid Cube [Special Cubes] can also be crafted using Professions
    • [Traits Stats]: You can also find your Traits that grant your character small bonuses in your Professions UI
  • [Lv. 50] Inner Ability: Bonuses that add extra stats to your character. They work similar to potentials and can be reset using Use Medal of Honor Use Boss Medal of Honor Honor EXP
  • [Lv. 70] Link Skills: Class-Unique skill that can be shared with another character in your world
  • [Lv. 100+] Star Force Maps: Special maps that require you to have a certain amount of Star Force Enhancements on your equipment to deal damage to monsters. Monsters here have more HP but in return give more EXP
    • [Note]: If this is your first time playing, training in these areas may be difficult as they are a lot stronger than normal monsters! If you are up for the challenge, try training here. Be sure to be appropriately geared up though
  • MapIcon MonsterPark [Lv. 105+] Monster Park: Completing Monster Park will reward you with a considerable amount of EXP and Etc Monster Park Commemorative Coin [Monster Park Commemorative Coin] to use in a special shop
    • Great for early levels as you gain a lot of EXP
    • Special shop sells special potions Use Extreme Red Potion Use Extreme Green Potion Use Extreme Blue Potion Use Extreme Gold Potion that are transferable within your account (given same World) that grant useful buffs for training
    • Completing Monster Park 77 times for each day of the week will reward you a special Eqp Seven Day Monster Parker [Medal] that gives +10% Ignore Enemy Defence
  • MapIcon MTour [Lv. 105+] Maple Tour: Completing Maple Tour will reward you with Mesos and Etc Maple Tour Coins [Maple Tour Coins] to buy special items at Maple Tour
    • [Heroic World Important]: In Heroic Worlds, the amount of Mesos rewarded is increased and is considered a main activity because of this!
    • Provides some decent money to start out with and can be completed fairly quickly each day
  • MapIcon VanLeon [Lv.125+] [Heroic World] Von Leon: Eqp Marx Von Leon Battle Suit Royal Von Leon equipment dropped by Von Leon is useful for Heroic World progression
    • Equipment is considered a Boss Item, it will gain additional Bonus Stats compared to normal equipment
  • MapIcon ShangHaiCN [Lv. 140] [Heroic World]The Far East (Yu Garden): Provides an easy source to Use Epic Potential Scroll [Epic Potential Scrolls] in Heroic Worlds
  • [SPECIAL] Legion System: A system that is unlocked when you have either a total of 500 levels within your World from your characters or have reached Lv. 200 and completed the 5th Job Advancement. You can assign your characters onto a grid to provide bonuses to all your characters in your World. Additionally, you will passively gain Etc Legion Coin [Legion Coins] to use to buy items from Squire Pancho Sanza
    • Notable Items: Use Legion's Expertise [EXP Booster], Use Legion's Luck [Drop Rate Booster], Use Legion's Wealth [Meso Rate Booster], Use Epic Potential Scroll [Epic Potential Scrolls], Use Hard Cube [Hard Cube], Use Bonus Potential Scroll [Bonus Potential Scrolls] and Use Powerful Rebirth Flame [Powerful Rebirth Flames]

Important Questlines to Complete:

Questlines here unlock access to bosses or reward worthwhile equipment

Equipment Content:

Lv. 10 - 120:

  • [Lv. 10 - 40]Eqp Brown Winter HatEqp Blue Split PieceEqp Blue Shouldermail PantsEqp Silver SylviaEqp Brown Leather Krag Can be bought from your class' hometown
    • Can also be dropped by monsters around your level
  • [Lv. 40 - 110]Eqp Green DistinctionEqp Blue RequiemEqp Black Neos PantsEqp Green MystraEqp Black Duke Barkin Shoes Dropped by monsters around your level
    • Can also be crafted with the Blacksmith Profession
  • [Lv. 30] Eqp Sailor Mask Eqp Sailor Belt Eqp Octopus Earrings Eqp Fairy Mark Eqp Ellinel Bracelet Eqp Ellinel Wings[Face / Belt / Earrings / Eye / Glove / Cape ] Theme Dungeon Rewards
  • [Lv. 40] Eqp Flower Tattoo [Face] Golden Beach Boss Drop - Captain Darkgoo
  • [Lv. 40 - 140] Eqp Deadshot Ring Eqp Gray Warrior Symbol Eqp Tenacious Leather Pauldron [Ring / Face / Shoulder] Accessory Crafting Profession Gear
    • Early accessories cannot be Star Forced or Upgraded but provide flat stats and DEF
  • [Lv. 60] Eqp Tangyoon's Chef Hat Eqp Tangyoon's Chef Outfit [Hat / Overall] Cooking With Tangyoon Rewards
  • [Lv. 65] Eqp Shackles of Love Eqp Heavy Violetta Cape [Pendant / Cape] Mushroom Castle Theme Dungeon Rewards
  • [Lv. 70] Eqp Beodog Figurine Eqp Billy Figurine Eqp Adler Figurine Eqp Mansa Figurine [Totems] The Afterlands Theme Dungeon Rewards
    • Theme Dungeon may be tedious and buggy
  • [Lv. 75] Eqp Greed Pendant [Pendant] Bought from Monster Park using Etc Monster Park Commemorative Coin [Monster Park Commemorative Coins]
    • Increases equipment drop rate
  • [Lv. 90] Eqp Zakum Helmet [Lv. 50 Hat] Dropped by Zakum
    • Fight Normal Zakum instead of Easy for extra EXP
  • [Lv. 100] Eqp Virtues Medallion Eqp Blasted Feather Eqp Golden Fox Marble [Secondary Weapon] Can be bought from Neville
    • Excludes certain classes who use Shields and Dual Blades
    • An "Evolving" version can also be bought for 100 million Mesos however it is not recommended. This version was previously obtained from the removed Evolution System
  • [Lv. 100] Eqp Gold Maple Leaf Emblem Eqp Gold Cygnus Emblem Eqp Gold Heroes Emblem (Phantom) [Emblems] Can be obtained from accepting a quest from Lightbulb Icon
    • Kaiser and Angelic Buster can buy their Emblem from Harpoon or Mayala
    • Xenon can buy their Emblem/Power Source from Edwin or Silbaron
  • [Lv. 100] Eqp Wings of Fate [Cape] Rewarded after completing Mushroom Shrine Tales from Tengu
    • Scaling stats considered slightly better than Eqp Tyrant Hyades Cloak Tyrant Capes for the price
    • Bonus Stats can be freely rerolled by discarding the item and reobtaining it again from Tengu
  • [Lv. 100] Eqp Antique Leaf Cape [Cape] Bought with Etc Shadowdealer Coin [Shadowdealer Coins] or Etc Magnus Coin [Magnus Coins] from Mayala
  • [Lv. 110] [Earrings / Ring / Pendant] Obtained from defeating Hard Von Leon

Lv. 120+:

Boss Armor:

  • Considered a Boss Item for Flames/Bonus Stats
  • Considered the main gear to strive because they are Boss Items

Boss Accessories:

Dawn Boss Accessories:

Pitched Boss Accessories:

Progression towards Midgame:

For info on upgrading and enhancing gear check out:

Etc Spell Trace Spell Tracing in Interactive Worlds:

In Interactive Worlds, be sure to upgrade all your gear with at least 70% Spell Tracing so that you can start Star Forcing your gear as well. On average, 70% Spell Tracing provides an optimal amount of stats compared to just 100% Spell Tracing your equipment

In Heroic Worlds, Spell Traces are unused and can be sold to NPCs for Mesos

Equipment EnhanceEnhance Button

You can open the Equipment Enchant menu for Spell Tracing and Star Forcing by either pressing "O" by default or through your inventory by pressing the red button with a hammer

Some ways to obtain Spell Traces are:

  • Monster and Boss drops
  • Inferno Wolf + Pollo/Frito Missions
Spell Trace Fever:
Spell Trace Fever

Occasionally on Interactive Worlds, there are special events that take place where Spell Trace enhancements have a higher success rate. These are the best times to upgrade equipment you plan to invest a lot of time into. Unless you are planning to perfect a piece of equipment, you do not need to wait for this event to start Spell Tracing

50% Off Spell Tracing:

Occasionally on Interactive Worlds, during Sunny Sundays, there are events where Spell Tracing will cost half the amount. This is a good time to use Spell Traces on (Ark) Innocence Scrolls or Clean Slates but, Spell Trace Fever is much better still because of the increased rates. Also, using regular 10% Clean Slates and 50% Innocence Scrolls will probably be more cost-effective than using the Spell Tracing versions

Star Forcing:

Star Force Example

Once you have consumed all upgrade slots, you may star force/enhance your gear. In Heroic Worlds, there are no upgrade slots, so you just star force/enhance instead. Star Forcing costs Mesos that grants increased stats on success

A recommended amount of stars you want for each piece of equipment is around 10 - 12 stars early on but optimally all gear at 12 stars

Occasionally there are events with shops that sell Use Star Enchancement Scroll[Star Enhancement Scrolls] which sets an equipment's Star Force to the said amount. There is normally one that enhances your gear to 17-stars that are obtainable from events if you do not have enough Mesos to Star Force. Past 15 stars, equipment start to see a clear difference from equipment with fewer stars

30% Star Force Discount:

Occasionally on Sunny Sundays, there is an event where Star Forcing prices are discounted by 30%. These are the best times to Star Force if you are trying to reach above 15 stars. If you are just Star Forcing regularly to 12 stars, you do not need to wait for this to happen

5/10/15 Star Force 100%:

Occasionally on Sunny Sundays, there is an event where enhancing to 5, 10, or 15 Star Force, the success rate is guaranteed. This is also a good time to try reaching to 15 stars but is not necessary to start Star Forcing your gear

1+1 Event:

Occasionally on Sunny Sundays, there is an event where for every Star Force enhancement below 10 Stars, you gain 2 stars. This is also a good time to try reaching to 15 stars since you essentially only need to keep trying from 12 Stars, but is not necessary to start Star Forcing your gear

Shining Star Force Event:

Occasionally on Sunny Sundays, the 30% Discount and 5/10/15 Star event may overlap which provides the best opportunity to Star Force your gear especially to 17-star

Bonus Stats:

For now you do not need to worry too much about Bonus Stats and Rebirth Flames. If you do obtain a special rebirth flame, feel free to use it on anything or on Interactive Worlds, you can sell them (if tradeable)

Some nice stats to reroll into is your Main Stat, %All Stat, %Boss Damage or Attack/Magic Attack

Some reasons that make certain items better than others (or best-in-slot) include:

  • Level Requirement of gear, higher the level, the better
    • Level also affects the scaling of Bonus Stats
  • Base Attack value & base stats
    • Higher attack results in higher attack scaling on flames/bonus stats
  • Amount of Star Force that can be obtained ( best being 25 stars)
    • This is tied to the level requirement of the gear - higher level, more stars
    • This is the most important factor
  • Potential lines that can be obtained
    • This is tied to the level requirement of the gear - higher level, better lines
    • Ex. Higher level potentials provide more %Stat than lower level potentials
  • Is a Boss Item / KMS Item
    • These items can obtain higher tiers of Bonus Stats than non-KMS items
  • Set bonus effect

Transfer Hammer:

Transfer Hammer UI

Transfer Hammer is a system that allows you to transfer Star Force, Potentials, Bonus Potentials, and Soul Weapon from one equipment to another (with restrictions). The following will not be transferred, Scrolled Stats and Bonus Stats. Additionally, you will lose one Star Force while transferring and any potentials above Epic will be dropped down to Epic Potential. You can only transfer equipment up to 10 levels apart of each other. For equipment below Lv. 119, you can transfer up to 20 levels apart

Some requirements for Transfer Hammering is that the piece of equipment must have at least 1 Star Force, cannot be Superior Gear (such as Tyrants) and must be the same equipment type (regardless of job group). Overalls can be counted towards both as a top or bottom and vice versa

In Interactive Worlds, any remaining upgrade slots will be filled by 100% Spell Traces for free. You can choose which stat you want the upgrades to be. I recommend that you already Upgrade/Spell Trace the Transferring Item first if you do not want the 100% Spell Trace stats

Transfer Hammer Button

To begin Transfer Hammering, you can access the UI from your Inventory by pressing the blue hammer icon For more info on Transfer Hammer, check out:

Epic Potential Gear and so on:

Early game you want to have all your gear at least 9% Main Stat and Epic Potential. You will also be wanting to be working towards Unique Potential gear. Your main focus for this would be to try and get your Weapon, Secondary Weapon, and Emblem to unique first as their potentials can provide special stats like %Attack/Magic Attack, %Ignore DEF and %Boss Damage unlike the rest of your gear. As a note, do not keep %Damage lines as they do not provide as much as a boost as the other potential lines do

Additionally, be sure all your equipment have 3 lines of potential instead of 2. Use Gold Potential Stamp [Gold Potential Stamp] to unlock a 3rd line if needed

Do not be afraid to use expiring Use Hard Cube [Hard Cubes] as it's better to use them than waste it. As well, take that risk of rerolling your "okay" potentials for "great" potentials as they are easily replaceable (unless you have that 36% main stat)

Some ways to obtain Epic Potential Scrolls are:

  • [Heroic Worlds] Yu Garden shop
  • [Interactive Worlds] Auction House
  • Event Shops
  • Elite Bosses
  • Pollo/Fritto Missions + Inferno Wolf
  • Legion System

Some ways to obtain Gold Potential Stamps are:

  • [Interactive Worlds] Auction House
  • Event Shops
  • Elite Bosses
  • Pollo/Fritto Missions + Inferno Wolf
  • Legion System

Some ways to obtain Hard Cubes are:

  • Crafting
  • Harvesting from Mysterious Veins / Herbs
  • Commerci Voyages
  • Bosses
  • Pollo/Frito Missions + Inferno Wolf

[ < 2k Main Stat] Earlygame Bosses:

The amount of Main Stat listed is just a safe recommendation, your class may be able to defeat a boss with lower stat if you have the damage or the right mechanics

As well, it should be noted, a better, more general guide would be to consider which floor you can reach in Mu Lung Dojo although neither is perfectly accurate. The best way to check if you can defeat a boss is by trying, especially in Practice Mode when applicable

To view bosses by Dojo floors, check out:

[ > 3k Main Stat] Earlygame Bosses:

[ > 5k Main Stat] Earlygame Bosses:

[ > 8k Main Stat] Earlygame Bosses:

[ > 12k Main Stat] Earlygame Bosses:

[ > 14k Main Stat] Midgame Bosses:

Recommended to have at least >%90 IED and >200% Boss Damage for bosses beyond this point

[ > 20k Main Stat] Midgame Bosses:

[ > 28k Main Stat] Midgame Bosses:

Tier I Endgame Bosses:

Bosses beyond this point are not meant to be soloable and are more party-oriented bosses. As well, beyond this point, bosses will be separated by tiers as there is no good recommended stat indicators for the reasons mentioned earlier.

Tier II Endgame Bosses:

Tier III Endgame Bosses:

Tier IV Endgame Bosses:

Daily / Weekly Quests:

A majority of Daily and Weekly Quests are mostly done at Lv. 200+. Characters pre-200 do not need to worry about these quests as much

  • Lil Wonky Pet [Lv. Any] [Daily] Fairy Bros Daily Gift: Defeat 300 enemies around you level each day to obtain a free check-in gift
    • There are a total of 28 check-ins and your check-ins reset every month
    • Once you've reached 300 enemies, a pop up will appear shortly, if not, you can try opening up the Fairy Bros UI
    • To open the Fairy Bros UI, click on the green icon with a check mark on the bottom right and then click on "Daily Gift"
      • If you don't see the icons, try pressing "]" by default
  • MapIcon MonsterPark [Lv. 105+] [Daily] Monster Park: Completing Monster Park will reward you with a considerable amount of EXP and Etc Monster Park Commemorative Coin [Monster Park Commemorative Coins] to use in a special shop
    • Great for early levels as you gain a lot of EXP
    • Special shop sells special potions Use Extreme Red Potion Use Extreme Green Potion Use Extreme Blue Potion Use Extreme Gold Potion that are transferable within your account (given same World) that grant useful buffs for training
    • Completing Monster Park 77 times for each day of the week will reward you a Eqp Seven Day Monster Parker [Best-in-Slot for Bossing Medal] that gives +10% Ignore Enemy Defence
  • MapIcon MTour [Lv. 105+] [Daily] Maple Tour: Completing Maple Tour will reward you with Mesos and Etc Maple Tour Coin [Maple Tour Coins] to buy special items at Maple Tour
  • MapIcon ShangHaiCN [Lv. 140+] [] [Daily] The Far East (Yu Garden): Completing The Far East storyline will unlock Daily Quests
    • Main Reward: Use Epic Potential Scroll [Epic Potential Scrolls] in Heroic Worlds only
  • MapIcon Road of Vanishing [Lv. 200+] [Daily] Arcane River - Vanishing Journey: Completing the Vanishing Journey storyline will unlock Daily Quests for this area
    • Main Reward: Eqp Arcane Symbol Vanishing Journey [Arcane Symbols]
  • MapIcon Road of Vanishing [Lv. 200+] [Weekly] Arcane River - Vanishing Journey: Completing the Vanishing Journey Daily twice each will reward you with Nodestones
  • MapIcon Road of Vanishing [Lv. 200+] [Weekly PQ] Erda Spectrum: Unlocked once you complete the Vanishing Journey storyline. Can be done in parties of 1 to 3. There are 2 stages and the objective to help Nina conduct research in several different areas
    • Main Reward: Eqp Arcane Symbol Vanishing Journey [Arcane Symbols]
  • MapIcon ChewChew [Lv. 210+] [Daily] Arcane River - Chu Chu Island: Completing storyline will unlock access to a Party Quest and Daily Quests for this area
    • Main Reward: Eqp Arcane Symbol Chu Chu Island [Arcane Symbols]
  • MapIcon ChewChew [Lv. 210+] [Weekly PQ] Hungry Muto: Unlocked once you complete the Chu Chu Island storyline. Can be done in parties of 1 to 4. The main objective is to collect ingredients from monsters to create dishes to feed Muto
    • Main Reward: Eqp Arcane Symbol Chu Chu Island [Arcane Symbols]
  • MapIcon Lacheln [Lv. 220+] [Daily] Arcane River - Lachelein: Completing the storyline will unlock access to Midnight Chaser and Daily Quests for this area
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Arcane Symbol Lachelein [Arcane Symbols]
  • MapIcon Lacheln [Lv. 220+] [Weekly] Midnight Chaser: This activity cannot be done in a party and must be done alone. The objective is to locate objects scattered around a series of maps
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Arcane Symbol Lachelein [Arcane Symbols]
  • MapIcon Arcana [Lv. 225+] [Daily] Arcane River - Arcana: Completing the storyline will unlock access to Spirit Savior and Daily Quests for this area
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Arcane Symbol Arcana [Arcane Symbols]
  • MapIcon Arcana [Lv. 225+] [Weekly] Spirit Savior: This activity cannot be done in a party and must be done alone. The objective is to save Rock Spirits that have been kidnapped while avoiding an evil spirit that chases you
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Arcane Symbol Arcana [Arcane Symbols]
  • MapIcon Morass [Lv. 230+] [Daily] Morass: Completing the storyline here unlocks Daily Quests for this area
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Arcane Symbol Morass [Arcane Symbols]
  • MapIcon Morass [Lv. 230+] [Weekly] Ranheim Defense: This activity cannot be done in a party and must be done alone. The objective is to defend a pillar on the middle of the map by defeating enemies that appear
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Arcane Symbol Morass [Arcane Symbols]
  • MapIcon esfera [Lv. 235+] [Daily] Esfera: Completing the storyline here unlocks Daily Quests for this area
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Arcane Symbol Esfera [Arcane Symbols]
  • MapIcon esfera [Lv. 235+] [Weekly] Esfera Guardian: This activity cannot be done in a party and must be done alone. The objective is to destroy dimensional gates using a special turret to aim and shoot
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Arcane Symbol Esfera [Arcane Symbols]
  • MapIcon Moonbridge [Lv. 245+] [Daily] Tenebris: Completing the storyline in Moonbridge unlocks Daily Quests for this region
    • More daily quests are available once Labyrinth of Suffering and Limina storylines have been completed
    • Main Rewards: Etc Spark of Determination [Spark of Determination]


Training Maps:

World Map

Below is a list of recommended training maps for grinding. To find out how to navigate to a specific map, open your World Map (W by default) and search for the desired map on the right-hand side. Clicking on the item you want will direct you to the map which will start blinking

Special thanks to Proof#8868 for the recommended training maps. Click here for a Google Sheets version of the training maps

*Search function may not be 100% reliable

Theme Dungeons:


Lightbulb Quests:

The quests found in your "Maple Mailbox" or the Lightbulb icon on the left-hand side may be overwhelming with the number of quests available. Here will be a list of quests and which ones are more important compared to others. If you do not see a certain quest, it may be tied to your class' storyline. These can be skipped by most classes. But, Explorer classes, Hoyoung, and Adele gain special rewards though from their class' storyline so, it should not be skipped. Quests with the label [Required] should also be completed

Recommended Quests:

  • (Lv. 33) Have you learned about pets? - Tutorial quest explaining pets. Rewards you with a free 3-day pet
  • (Lv. 35) The Professional - A quest to start unlocking Professions, the crafting system
  • (Lv. 70) [Link Skill] Teaching Link Skill - Explains Link Skills and unlocks your Link Skill for some classes
  • (Lv. 90) To Pantheon - Completing this storyline unlocks access to the boss MapIcon Magnus Magnus and daily quests for Etc Shadowdealer Coin Shadowdealer Coins which can be used as currency for a special shop
  • (Lv. 100) [Ursus] Rumors of The Mighty - Quest to get started with Ursus, an important boss in Heroic Worlds for Mesos. Provides a quick explanation to the boss
    • Main Reward: [Mesos]
  • (Lv. 100) [Mushroom Shrine Tales] Kino Konoko's Request - Completing this storyline rewards you Eqp Wings of Fate [Wings of Fate] which give some pretty good stats but may be tedious to obtain since the story is quite long
    • This cape may be useful for gear progression in Heroic Worlds
  • (Lv. 105) [Maple Tour] Lulu Spinel's Request - Quest to get started with Maple Tour, an important activity in Heroic Worlds for Mesos. Provides a quick explanation to Maple Tour
    • Main Reward: [Mesos]
  • (Lv. 105) [Monster Park] Monster Park Grand Re-opening - Quest to get started with Monster Park, a special dungeon area that provides EXP when completed
  • (Lv. 115) [Papulatus] The Light of Chaos - Starts the pre-quests for the boss Papulatus
  • (Lv. 120) [Ranmaru] Call of Princess Sakuno: Stop Mori Ranmaru! - Short dialogue quest that unlocks access to the boss Mori Ranmori
  • (Lv. 120) [Black Heaven] For Maple World - A long storyline with multiple Acts. Completing Black Heaven will unlock access to the boss MapIcon Haven Lotus (but cannot be fought until Lv. 190)
    • Completing this on one character will unlock access to Lotus for all your characters in the same world
    • Act 2 Rewards: Eqp Ace of the Alliance [Medal], Setup Hanging with Neinheart Chair [Chair]
    • Act 4 Rewards: Eqp Android Helmet [Hat]
    • Act 6 Rewards: Eqp Maple World Savior [Medal], Skill Orchid's Support Mount Skill Athena Pierce's Support Mount [Choice of 1 mount (lasts 30 days)]
  • (Lv. 135) [Heroes] Feelings of Misfortune - A long storyline with multiple acts where you get to play as the five Heroes of Maple (Mercedes, Phantom, etc.)
    • Completing Act 4 will unlock access to MapIcon fallenWorldTree Damien (but cannot be fought until Lv. 190)
      • You do not need to do the other 3 acts
      • Completing this on one character will unlock access to Damien for all your characters in the same world
    • Completing all Acts twice will grant Setup Heroes Cube Chair - Evan [Chair]
    • Act 1 Rewards: Setup Heroes Cube Chair - Aran [Chair]
    • Act 1.5 Rewards: Setup Heroes Cube Chair - Shade [Chair]
    • Act 2 Rewards: Setup Heroes Cube Chair - Phantom [Chair]
    • Act 3 Rewards: Setup Heroes Cube Chair - Mercedes [Chair]
    • Act 4 Rewards: Setup Heroes Cube Chair - Luminous [Chair]
  • (Lv. 140) [Hieizan Temple] Regards, Takeda Shingen - Pre-quests to unlocking access to the boss Princess No
  • (Lv. 140) [Temple of Time] Path to the Past - Pre-quests to unlocking access to Pink Bean
  • (Lv. 140) [Silent Crusade] A Cry for Help - Completing this storyline unlocks access to MapIcon Akairum Arkarium
  • (Lv. 160) [Masteria Epic] Lost Hero's Call - A long storyline with multiple acts where you learn the history behind Masteria's past. The storyline may be quite long but you get the best Eqp Antellion Guardianmedal in the game currently as a reward
  • (Lv. 180) [Gollux] The Cracks of Corruption - Short dialogue quest that unlocks access to the boss Gollux
  • (Lv. 190) [Haven] A New Home - Pre-quests to unlock access to Weekly Quests in the Scrapyard
  • (Lv. 190) [Dark World Tree] Those Who Remain - Pre-quests to unlock access to Weekly Quests in the Dark World Tree
  • (Lv. 200) [The Asura Crisis] Back to Momijigaoka - Pre-quests to unlocking access to the boss Akechi Mitsuhide
  • (Lv. 210) [Ramuramu] Psych Exam - Pre-quests to unlocking access to the boss Guardian Angel Slime
  • (Lv. 235) [Kao's Memory] The First Memory - Begins a storyline involving Kao between Lv. 235 to 255

Theme Dungeon Starting Quests:

Quests labeled in orange are recommended, in green are optional, in white are skippable

The Lv. 30 Theme Dungeons are recommended as completing 2 and a half theme dungeons is enough to reach Lv. 60 to complete your 3rd Job Advancement. Theme Dungeons between Lv. 60 - 120 are completely optional (except for Lion King's Castle) as grinding is much faster and less tedious at these levels. They can be done if you dislike grinding but you will not gain as many levels compared to Lv. 30 - 60

  • (Lv. 30) [Riena Strait] Get it Strait - Theme Dungeon, provides good EXP for Lv. 30 - 59 with scaling monster levels
  • (Lv. 30) [Theme Dungeon] Ellinel Fairy Academy - Theme Dungeon, provides good EXP for Lv. 30 - 59 with scaling monster levels
  • (Lv. 30) [Gold Beach] A Golden Opportunity - Theme Dungeon, provides good EXP for Lv. 30 - 59 with scaling monster levels
    • Main Rewards: Meso [1 mil Mesos], Etc Spell Trace [Spell Traces], Eqp Octopus Earrings [Earrings] and Eqp Beach Bum [Medal]
  • (Lv. 30) [Elodin] Anne's Plea for Help - Theme Dungeon, provides good EXP for Lv. 30 - 59 with scaling monster levels
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Elodin Bird Dog [Medal], Etc Spell Trace [Spell Traces]
  • (Lv. 60) [Mushroom Castle] Mushking's Summons - Theme Dungeon
  • (Lv. 75) [The Afterlands] A Cry for Help - Theme Dungeon that provides free permanent totems useful for progression. The storyline, however, can be glitchy and tedious which is why it is left as optional
  • (Lv. 95) [Ellin Forest] A Peculiar Book - Theme Dungeon
  • (Lv. 115) [Lion King's Castle] Desolate Castle - Theme Dungeon that also unlocks access to the boss Von Leon after completing it
    • [Heroic World Recommended] - Royal Von Leon equipment dropped by Von Leon is useful for Heroic World progression
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Heart of a Lion [Medal]
  • (Lv. 120) [Fantasy Theme World] Dylan's Story - Theme Dungeon
  • (Lv. 125) [Korean Folk Town] A Letter from the Library - Theme Dungeon
    • Rewards: Eqp Like Clouds and Winds [Medal]
  • (Lv. 130) [Crimsonheart] To Grendel's Library - Theme Dungeon
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Crimsonheart Savior [Medal]
  • (Lv. 130) [Golden Temple] Noi More Tourists - Theme Dungeon
  • (Lv. 135) [Partem Ruins] Dark Prophecy - Theme Dungeon
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Blazing Hot [Medal]
  • [Heroic World Recommended] (Lv. 140) Finding Tomo - Quest to get started with the Yu Garden (The Far East) Theme Dungeon
    • Main Reward: Use Epic Potential Scroll [Epic Potential Scrolls (Heroic World Only)]
  • (Lv. 140) [Commerci Republic] Neinheart's Calls - Theme Dungeon that also unlocks access to Commerci Trade Voyages and Transposing after reaching San Commerci
  • (Lv. 140) The Dragon and the Tiger - Theme Dungeon
  • (Lv. 145) [Kerning Tower] Kerning Tower Grand Opening - Theme Dungeon
    • Main Reward: Eqp Jackpot Entertainment Co-CEO [Medal]
  • (Lv. 150) [Stone Colossus] A Giant of a Rumor - Theme Dungeon
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Colossal [Medal], Use Kupo's Ride Coupon [Mount], Eqp Halflinger Expedition Badge [Badge]
  • (Lv. 175) [Detective Rave's Case Notes] Free Luxury Tour! - Theme Dungeon
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Detective Rave's Honorary Assistant [Medal]
  • (Lv. 185) [Fox Valley] Leaf Plane to Adventure - Theme Dungeon
    • Main Rewards: Eqp Fox Point Ranger [Medal]

Optional Quests:

  • (Lv. 10) Do you know about Maple Guide? - Tutorial quest explaining Maple Guide
  • (Lv. 20) Do you know about Spell Enhancements? - Tutorial quest explaining Etc Spell Trace Spell Tracing
  • (Lv. 20) Do you know about Star Force Enhancements? Tutorial quest explaining Star Forcing
  • (Interactive Worlds only) (Lv. 33) Mysterious Merchant Matilda - Tutorial quest explaining Matilda, an NPC that sells Use AP Reset Scroll [AP Reset Scrolls], Use SP Reset Scroll [SP Reset Scrolls], and Cash Respawn Token [Respawn Tokens] for Mesos
  • (Lv. 33) Trainer's Command - A special quest for unlocking the ability to have 3 pets out at once. Requires you to obtain a Cash Pet Snack [Pet Snack] from the Cash Shop using NX or Use Reward Points Reward Points
  • (Lv. 50) [Boss Matchmaking] Fight Together! - Tutorial quest explaining the Boss Matchmaking system
  • (Lv. 50) [Zakum] Statue of Dread - Quest that explains Zakum and teleports you to El Nath - Chief's Residence
    • This is a one-time teleport, you can use it to get to Zakum quickly at Lv. 100 to fight it
    • This quest is not required to fight Zakum
    • Talking to your corresponding Job NPC (Warrior, Mage, Thief, etc.) will teleport you directly to the entrance of Zakum, this can be used an unlimited number of times
  • (Lv. 60) Have you learned about Potential? - Tutorial quest explaining equipment potentials
  • (Lv. 60) Have you learned about Bonus Stats? - Tutorial quest explaining equipment bonus stats
  • (Lv. 80) Use the Transfer Hammer! - Tutorial quest explaining Transfer Hammer
  • (Lv. 90) [Stellar Detectives] The Erased Diary - Storyline with useful but optional rings for bossing
  • (Lv. 100) [Grand Athenaeum] Visit the Grand Athenaeum - Cutscene heavy storyline that explains Maple World lore
  • (Lv. 140) [System] Item Update - Provides an explanation to Transposing after reaching San Commerci
  • (Lv. 145) [Shaolin Temple] Elder Jung's Summons - Storyline
  • (Lv. 160) [Showa Town] Welcome to Shawa Town! - Starts storyline for Showa Town which is required to unlock access to the boss Yakuza Boss
  • (Lv. 170) [NLC] Welcome back to NLC! - Starts storyline for New Leaf City
  • (Lv. 170) [Kritias] Sudden Kingdom - Completing this storyline unlocks access to Invasions and Daily Quests within Kritias to gain Etc Kritias Commemorative Coin [Kritias Commemorative Coins] to use in a special shop. You can travel to Kritias from Leafre
    • Notable items: Eqp Tyrant Hyades Gloves [Superior Tyrant Glove], Use Empress Reset Ticket [Boss Reset Tickets]
      • Only the Reset Tickets are valuable which give you an extra clear for a boss, you can try for these if you want to really min-max
  • (Lv. 180) [Phantom Forest] The Corrupted Forest - Completing the storyline for this area unlocks access to Daily Quests that reward Etc Raven Ninja Coin [Raven Ninja Coins] and Etc Shadowknight Coin [Shadowknight Coins] to buy items from Mo and Fiona in the Phantom Forest
  • (Lv. 200) [Tower of Oz] Tower Under the Sea - A quest to get started with the Tower of Oz. Provides a quick explanation and tutorial for Tower of Oz

Can Be Skipped:

[Note]: Quests above Lv. 140 can be done as they provide some equipment but are rarely done compared to the quests in Optional

  • (Lv. 33) Do you know about the Beauty Salon? - Tutorial quest explaining the Beauty Salon, a place to save your hair and face styles
  • (Lv. 45) [Kerning City] Dark Swamp Region - Starts the Kerning City area quests for the medal
    • Main Reward: Eqp Swamp Region Troubleshooter [Medal]
  • (Lv. 55) [Perion] Rocky Mountain Hunter - Starts the Perion area quests for the medal
    • Main Reward: Eqp Rocky Mountain Hunter[Medal]
  • (Lv. 65) [Sleepywood] Danger Seeker - Starts the Sleepywood area quests for the medal
    • Main Reward: Eqp Danger Seeker[Medal]
  • (Lv. 70) [Cross World Party Quest] The Old Book
  • (Lv. 70) [Cross World Party Quest] Old Letter
  • (Lv. 70) [Cross World Party Quest] Notes of the Goddess
  • (Lv. 77) [El Nath] Snowfield Explorer - Starts the El Nath area quests for the medal
    • Main Reward: Eqp Snowfield Explorer [Medal]
  • (Lv. 85) [Ariant] Learning the Culture of Ariant - Starts the Ariant area quests for the medal
    • Main Reward: Eqp Ariant Culture Expert [Medal]
  • (Lv. 110) [Chryse] Find Xerxes - Quest to get started with the Chryse Party Quest
  • (Lv. 110) [Ludibrium] Ludibrium Sheriff - Starts the Ludibrium area quests for the medal
    • Main Reward: Eqp Ludibrium Sheriff[Medal]
  • (Lv. 115) [Lion King's Castle] The Adventure of Jenn the Locksmith - Quest to get started with the Lion King's Castle Party Quest
    • Separate from the actual Lion King's Castle Theme Dungeon
  • (Lv. 120) Fly in the Sky! - A quest where completing it teaches you the skill "Soaring" used in Dragon Rider PQ
  • (Lv. 120) [Hilla] The Mysterious Mystic - A quest explaining the boss Hilla although, it is not required to actually fight the boss
  • (Lv. 125) [Ghost Park] Korean Folk Town's New Park - A quest explaining Ghost Park
    • Most people prefer to train/grind which is why it is not a popular activity. Ghost Park can be somewhat difficult too for the amount of EXP you get
  • (Lv. 150) The Dragon Rider's Identity 1 - Pre-quest for Dragon Rider PQ
  • (Lv. 160) Rumors from the Castle - Storyline for Ninja Castle, not required to fight Gigatoad / False Daimyo
  • (Lv. 180) [Twilight Perion] The Second Future - Storyline, it is not required to access Twilight Perion
  • (Lv. 180) [Masteria] Glimmer Man's Call - Storyline